Most of people still remember quite clearly two catastrophes-Wenchuan Earthquake in 2008 and Yushu earthquake in 2010. About 68,000 people were killed in Wenchuan Earthquake ,The earthquake left about 4.8 million people homeless, though the number could be as high as 11 million.And in Yushu earthquake ,2,698 people have been confirmed dead, 270 missing, and 12,135 injured of which 1,434 are severely injured.
It sounds so horrible, and it really like this. We should know something about earthquake so that we can take protective actions when the earthquake occur. Academically, an earthquake (also known as a quake, tremor or temblor) is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust that creates seismic waves. At the Earth's surface, earthquakes manifest themselves by shaking and sometimes displacement of the ground.
What should we do if an earthquake happen? Firstly, we should protect ourselves,if we are inside, protect our heads with a helmet or cushion, and hide in a safe place,such as under a table, running outside is potentially dangerous, because roof tiles and glass may fall on us. Secondly, extinguish any nearby flames calmly because major aftershocks may coeme. Thirdly, open the door and secure an escape route.