秋天来了,天气变凉了。大路两边的树叶变黄了,一片片金色的叶子从树上飘落下来,像一只只美丽的蝴蝶。公园里最鲜艳的菊花开了,有红的,有黄的,有紫的,还有白的,美丽极了!秋天也是一 个丰收的季节,各种各样的果子都熟了。一个个红苹果像小姑娘抹了胭脂的脸。石榴一半儿红,一半儿黄,熟透的石榴高兴的笑了,有的笑得裂开了嘴,有的不小心笑破了肚皮,露出了满满的籽儿。这 些石榴娃娃急切地扒开绿黄色的叶子向外张望,向人们报告成熟的喜讯。橘子你挤我碰,争着要人们来采摘呢!
Autumn is coming, and the weather is getting cold. The leaves on both sides of the road turned yellow, and a golden leaf fell from the tree like a beautiful butterfly. The most colorful chrysanthemums in the park are blooming. There are red ones, yellow ones, purple ones, and white ones. They are very beautiful! Autumn is also a harvest season. All kinds of fruits are ripe. One by one, red apples look like little girl's Rouge face. Pomegranate half red, half yellow, ripe pomegranate happy smile, some laugh to split the mouth, some accidentally broke the belly, revealing a full seed. These pomegranate dolls eagerly open the green and yellow leaves and look out to report the good news of maturity to people. You squeeze me to touch the oranges and compete for people to pick them!