
时间:2022-12-22 12:25:09 英语作文350字 浏览:0

  我的好朋友名叫谢泽铮,身体肉墩墩的,和我是同班同学。寸头, 大脑袋,两只炯炯有神的眼睛黑得跟熟透的葡萄一样。性格活泼,对待 朋友跟对待自己一样。

  My good friend's name is Xie Zezheng, the body flesh dundundun, and I are classmates. Inch head, big head, two bright eyes as black as ripe grapes. Lively character, treat friends as you treat yourself.

  记得有一次,我们因为琐事闹别扭,我提出与他绝交。当时,他的 脸被我气得通红,像一个熟透的苹果。接下来的几天,我和谢泽铮都装 做若无其事的样子,谁都不理谁。又过了几天,谢泽铮拦住我,他主动 提出,“我们继续做好朋友,好吗!”我狠劲地点了点头(其实,我也早想和 他和好,重建友谊)。

  I remember one time when we were upset about trifles, I offered to break up with him. At that time, his face was red with anger from me, like a ripe apple. In the next few days, Xie and I pretended to be indifferent to each other. A few days later, Xie stopped me, and he offered, "let's continue to be good friends, OK?" I nodded hard (in fact, I had long wanted to make up with him and rebuild friendship).

  还有一次,是一年级的时候,我忘记带铅笔了。正在焦急的时候, 谢泽铮二话没说,将他仅有的一支铅笔给了我。结果,他因“忘记带铅 笔”被老师批评了。他为了朋友,可以牺牲自己。这种奉献精神,值得朋 友之间分享、学习!

  Another time, in the first grade, I forgot to bring a pencil. In a hurry, Xie Zezheng said nothing and gave me his only pencil. As a result, he was criticized by his teacher for "forgetting to bring a pencil". He can sacrifice himself for his friends. This dedication is worth sharing and learning among friends!


  Xie Zezheng, my good friend!