我敬佩的人,有很多,但最让我敬佩的是我的 朋友王文鑫,他的学习成绩不怎么样,但是字写得很好。
There are many people I admire, but what I admire most is my friend Wang Wenxin. His academic performance is not good, but his writing is very good.
有一次,写字老师给文鑫布置了一个作业:写四首古诗,分别是《咏鹅》、《塞下曲》、《出塞》、和《悯农》,我到文鑫家玩,他还要整理书包,我只好等一下,闲的没事干,就拿了一本书看,真 是奇怪,为什么这本书只有四首古诗,而且正巧是老师布置给文鑫的四首古诗,于是我就问文鑫,谁知这就是他写的作业。
Once, the writing teacher gave Wenxin an assignment: write four ancient poems, which are yong'e, Sai Xia Qu, Chu Sai, and min Nong. I went to Wenxin's house to play, and he had to tidy up his schoolbag. I had to wait for a while, but I had nothing to do, so I took a book to read. It was really strange that there were only four ancient poems in this book, and it happened that the teacher assigned them to Wenxin Four ancient poems, so I asked Wen Xin, who knows this is his homework.
Wen Xin will surely become a famous calligrapher when he grows up