我有一个好朋友,她长着一张园圆的脸蛋,扎着一根马尾辫,圆圆 的脸蛋上有一双水灵灵的大眼睛。她非常热爱集体,也喜欢帮助别人。
I have a good friend. She has a round face, a ponytail, and big eyes. She loves the group very much and likes to help others.
有一次,我们在操场上玩耍,走到一年级一个班的门口时,她忽然 停下脚步,我顺着她的目光望去,看见这个班的教室里的同学已经走光 了,可是门还没关,地上有一大堆纸屑,当时已经放学很久了,不可能 是去倒垃圾的同学还没回来。我的好朋友看了之后,说:可能是他们忘 记关门了,我们帮帮他们吧!”说完,便带着我们一起打扫起教室来,我们 扫地、摆桌子、擦黑板,忙得不亦乐乎。回去的路上,我问她:“你为什 么要帮一年级打扫教室啊?”她听了,笑着说:“学校最近不是总出现那种 趁别人放学时没关门窗进教室偷东西的人吗?一年级的弟弟妹妹年纪还小 不懂得自理,我们要帮助他们,你说对吗?”我听了,赞许地点点头。
Once, when we were playing in the playground, when we came to the door of a class in grade one, she suddenly stopped. I followed her eyes and saw that all the students in the class had gone, but the door was not closed and there was a lot of paper scraps on the ground. At that time, it was a long time since school was over. It was impossible that the students who went to take out the garbage had not come back. After reading it, my good friend said, "maybe they forgot to close the door. Let's help them!" After that, he took us to clean the classroom together. We were busy sweeping the floor, setting the table and cleaning the blackboard. On the way back, I asked her, "why do you clean the classroom for the first grade?" She listened and said with a smile, "isn't it the kind of person who steals things in the classroom without closing the window when others are leaving school? The younger brothers and sisters in the first grade are still young and don't know how to take care of themselves. We need to help them. Are you right? " I listened and nodded approvingly.
这就是我的好朋友,一个热爱集体、助人为乐的女孩,你想知道她 叫什么名字吗?那就来问我吧!
This is my good friend, a girl who loves the group and helps others. Do you want to know her name? Then ask me!