In our daily life or on our way to success, we will meet many challenges that bring us into troubles. Some of them may depress us a lot, making us think of giving up. Therefore, a strong will that believe in our success is necessary.
A strong will is the base of success, especially when it comes to the challenge or even the hopeless situation, a man with a strong will would stand out from ordinary people. Actually, it’s often the difficulty that makes the strong will particularly important. In real life, a strong-willed person often owns some other good qualities, such as self-confidence, self-esteem, self-reliance and responsibility. Such people usually are prepared to take responsibilities and hardheaded, therefore they are likely to be successful, because success is a meant-to-be result rather than casual luckiness. Relatively speaking, a weak-willed person is often timid and hesitant. Such people are hardly to realize their goals. In short, a person with a strong will and full of faith can achieve great success in his life.
坚强的意志是成功的基石,特别是在遇到挑战甚至遭遇绝境的时候,一个有坚强意志的人就能从普通人中脱颖而出。事实上,往往是在遇到困难的时候,意志的作用力才显得尤为突出。在现实生活中,一个意志坚定的人,往往同时还具有自信、自尊、自强、责任感等其他美好的品质。这样的人,勇于承担责任,头脑冷静,因此,他们的成功是坚强意志作用下的必然结果,而不是一时的、偶然的运气。相对来说,意志薄弱的人,常常都是胆怯、犹豫不决,这样的人往往不太容易实现自己的目标。简单来说, 因此,一个意志坚定、信仰十足的人,就可能在人生道路上取得很大的成功。