
时间:2022-12-22 12:19:16 英语作文80字 浏览:0

  今天,我发现小河边的柳枝上长出了嫩嫩的小芽。微风吹的也没有冬天那么刺骨了。人们脱下了厚厚的棉衣。我的爷爷、奶奶每当我下午上学时,就出去散步。而且,一到周六、周日爷爷就会开 着他的电动三轮车,带着我和奶奶一起去公园放风筝。公园里的桃树枝上已经有了很少很少的小花骨朵。小小的花骨朵你要不仔细看,还发现不了呢!

  Today, I found tender buds growing on willows by the river. The breeze is not as harsh as winter. People took off their thick cotton padded clothes. My grandparents go out for a walk every time I go to school in the afternoon. Moreover, on Saturday and Sunday, Grandpa would drive his electric tricycle and take me and grandma to the park to fly kites. In the park, there are few small flowers on the peach branches. If you don't look carefully, you can't find the little flower!


  Spring is coming. I'm very happy. I like spring, do you like it?