秋天到了,小红家院子里有一棵柿子树成熟了,一个个柿子有的像小灯笼,有的像葫芦可爱极了。大树旁边有一些菊花,有红色的、有黄色的、有白色的美丽极了。在房子后面还有一些果树散发 出一阵阵香味,小红家真美啊!
When autumn comes, there is a persimmon tree in Xiaohong's yard. Some persimmons are like lanterns and some are like gourds. There are some chrysanthemums beside the tree. They are red, yellow and white. In the back of the house, there are some fruit trees that send out a gust of fragrance. Xiaohong's house is so beautiful!