One day, I came home from school. As soon as I entered, I saw the smoke in the room. I thought it was on fire! I ran into the room on the second floor and said to my father, "Dad, Dad, it's on fire!" But as soon as I entered the room, I found that my father was smoking. It was a false alarm!
还有一次,我和妈妈去买东西,回到家,我和妈妈还以为进入了“蓬莱仙境”呢!屋子里的烟雾飘呀飘,像云朵,又像大雾,我急忙跑进客厅,我看见烟灰盒里塞满了小烟头,而爸爸呢?则一边看 电视,一边又吸着烟。我心想:“就这么一小会儿,爸爸就吸了那么多的烟?
Another time, my mother and I went shopping. When we got home, my mother and I thought we were in Penglai Wonderland! The smoke in the room was floating like clouds and fog. I hurried into the living room. I saw that the ashtray was filled with small cigarette butts. What about dad? While watching TV, while smoking. I thought to myself, "in such a short time, Dad smoked so many cigarettes?
This is my father who loves smoking. I hope he will smoke less in the future.