
时间:2022-12-22 12:20:06 英语作文100字 浏览:0


  Today, it's sunny and sunny, and we have a tense final exam in grade two.

  考试开始了,我感到一身冷汗,考试的老师为我们发了试卷,并说:“现在,你们可以做试卷了。”所以,大家手忙脚乱地从笔袋里拿出铅笔开始做题了。我做呀做呀,终于把试卷做完了,这张试 卷很简单,所以我很快就做完了。我做完试卷后又认认真真地检查了好几遍。

  When the exam began, I felt a cold sweat. The teacher gave us the exam paper and said, "now, you can do the exam paper." So, we hurriedly took out the pencil from the pencil bag and began to work on the questions. I did and did, and finally finished the paper. This paper is very simple, so I finished it soon. After I finished the examination paper, I checked it seriously several times.


  I began to hand in my papers. I hope I can get 100 and get good results.