
时间:2022-12-22 12:20:20 英语作文100字 浏览:0

  今天下午,在老师的带领下,我们班玩了踩气球的游戏。老师让同学们先把气球吹起来,然后绑在脚上让同学们相互踩,我急忙去踩别人的气球,没想到我的气球“啪”的一声爆了,我下 场了。但是今天我们玩的非常开心!

  This afternoon, under the guidance of the teacher, our class played the game of stepping on balloons. The teacher asked the students to blow up the balloon first, and then tied it to their feet to let them step on each other. I hurried to step on others' balloons, but I didn't expect that my balloon "snapped" and I ended up. But today we have a great time!