
时间:2022-12-22 12:20:20 英语作文100字 浏览:0


  The botanical garden is in the west of Luoyang. It's very beautiful with trees.

  一走进大门,一排排整齐的树木在迎接我们。公园中心是一个人工湖,湖面上的仙鹤正在展翅高飞。水面上的荷花开了,非常漂亮。岸边的假山奇形怪状,假山上有一座优雅的亭阁。一棵棵垂柳把 它的长辫子伸到水里,周围还有许多五颜六色的鲜花,好像给人工湖镶上了花边。在这里游览就像到了仙境一般。

  As soon as we entered the gate, rows of neat trees greeted us. In the center of the park is a man-made lake, on which cranes are flying. The lotus on the water is blooming. It's very beautiful. The rockery on the bank is in a strange shape. There is an elegant Pavilion on the rockery. Weeping willows stretch their long braids into the water, and there are many colorful flowers around them, as if they have laced the artificial lake. It's like a fairyland to visit here.