
时间:2022-12-22 12:20:24 英语作文100字 浏览:0

  今天,天气晴朗,阳光柔和的照耀着大地。同学们都外出赏梅去了。因为我晕车,所以爸爸只能带我去公园赏梅。进了公园,抬头望去,在一个小土坡上,几棵梅花正默默的竟相开放。我们走近梅 花树,仔细地观察它,小小的花朵开满枝条,有黄的,红的,白的,还有粉红的,美丽极了!冬天百花凋谢,只有梅花经受严寒,迎着风雪开放,迎来阳光灿烂的春天。你看,梅花多有骨气!回家的路 上,我想起了一首诗:墙角数枝梅,凌寒独自开。遥知不是雪,为有暗香来。

  Today, it's sunny and the sun is shining softly on the earth. The students all went out to enjoy the plum. Because I am carsick, so my father can only take me to the park to enjoy plum blossom. Into the park, looked up, in a small slope, a few plum blossom is quietly unexpectedly open. We approached the plum tree, carefully observed it, small flowers full of branches, there are yellow, red, white, and pink, beautiful! In winter, all flowers wither. Only plum flowers endure severe cold, open to the wind and snow, and usher in a sunny spring. You see, plum blossom has a lot of backbone! On the way home, I thought of a poem: counting plum trees in the corner, Ling Han was alone. I know it's not snow. It's because of the fragrance.