
时间:2022-12-22 12:21:40 英语作文200字 浏览:0


  This day, my sister and I made an appointment to play badminton. We rode our bikes to the square.

  诺大的广场已经有很多人了,有跳舞的、唱戏的、还有和我们一样打羽毛球的。我和姐姐找好地方,开始打球。刚开始我连球都发不出去,姐姐就耐心地教我,不一会儿我就学会了,我越打越有劲,连水都忘了喝。 回到家,姐姐还一直在夸我学得快,我心里美滋滋的,我说;还是姐姐教的好

  There are already a lot of people in Nuo square, dancing, singing and playing badminton like us. My sister and I found a good place to play. At the beginning, I couldn't even send the ball out. My sister taught me patiently. Soon I learned. The more I played, the more energetic I was. I even forgot to drink water. When I got home, my sister always praised me for my fast learning and my happy heart. I said that it was my sister who taught me well