
时间:2022-12-22 12:22:46 英语作文250字 浏览:0


  Every year, on the evening of December 30, every family will gather to have a new year's Eve dinner.

  晚上,奶奶和妈妈准备了丰盛的年夜饭。年夜饭的种类很多,有清蒸大螃蟹、红烧牛肉、大红虾还有很多好吃的菜。在吃饭的时候,我帮奶奶夹她最喜欢吃的清蒸桂鱼,并祝奶奶新年快乐,奶奶说 :“谢谢你!”也给我夹了我最喜欢吃的清蒸大螃蟹,而且还给我包了钱,我开心的谢谢奶奶。接着爸爸妈妈也祝奶奶新年快乐,万事如意。妹妹在旁边咿咿呀呀地直叫,好像在说:“外婆我也祝你新 年快乐!”逗得大家哈哈大笑。全家人其乐融融地吃完了这顿年夜饭。

  In the evening, grandma and mother prepared a big new year's dinner. There are many kinds of new year's Eve rice, including steamed crab, braised beef, red shrimp and many delicious dishes. During the meal, I helped grandma to take her favorite steamed mandarin fish and wished grandma a happy new year. Grandma said, "thank you!" I also got my favorite steamed crabs and wrapped money for them. I'm happy to thank grandma. Then mom and dad also wish grandma a happy new year and all the best. The younger sister is nearby babbling, as if to say: "grandma, I also wish you a happy New Year!" It made everyone laugh. The whole family finished the new year's dinner happily.


  This year's big meal is very rich, and the whole family is very happy.