Every new year's Eve is the busiest time for adults. Some of them are cleaning up, some are buying new year's products, and I am the happiest, because that day is my free space. This new year's Eve, I think of a very happy thing, is to go to Kunwu park to play kart.
我去找我的好哥们——李浩然。然后我们一起去了;到了里面,人山人海。付了钱之后,我们一人开了一辆单人车,我给叔叔说了一下我们两个人要比赛。“预备,开始”。我踩底油门,我在拐弯时 ,毫不踩刹车,车子横着拐了弯,我又使劲踩油门,这时,我才发现他在我的前面,我到第二个弯道时,他不小心把刹车当油门了,好机会,上,油门踩到底,不踩刹车,把握好方向盘,冲,超过了, 我知道,他不会善罢甘休的,他和我一样,把握好方向盘,他好像发威似的,拐弯时,油门都不松,一直踩油门,我也要这样,可我的车子稳定性不好,我决定冒一次险,我把油门踩到底;拐弯时,如 果方向盘不及时打回来,就会撞到轮胎,这时候,他已经到弯道了,我要把他的路给堵死,他猛一踩刹车,我猛一踩油门,比他还要快半圈,卡丁车叔叔说还有一圈,我踩紧油门,冲过终点,我觉得卡 丁车好好玩呀。
I'll find my good friend Li Haoran. Then we went together; into it, a sea of people. After paying, we drove a single car by ourselves. I told my uncle that we were going to compete. "Prepare, start.". I stepped on the accelerator. When I turned the corner, I didn't step on the brake at all. The car turned sideways. I stepped on the accelerator again. Then I found that he was in front of me. When I got to the second corner, he inadvertently used the brake as the accelerator. Good opportunity, go up, step on the accelerator to the end, don't step on the brake, grasp the steering wheel, rush, surpass. I know that he won't give up. He and I In the same way, hold the steering wheel well. He seems to be very aggressive. When turning, the accelerator doesn't loosen. He keeps pressing on the accelerator all the time. I want to do the same. But my car is not stable. I decided to take a risk. I stepped on the accelerator to the end. When turning, if the steering wheel doesn't hit back in time, it will hit the tire. At this time, he has reached the corner. I want to block his road. He stepped on it hard Brake, I slammed on the accelerator, half a lap faster than him. Uncle kart said there was another lap. I stepped on the accelerator and rushed across the end. I thought kart was fun.