
时间:2022-12-22 12:23:25 英语作文300字 浏览:0

  在我成长的道路中,有许多伴我长大的好老师。那么多的好老师关心学生,教育学生的镜头,像放电影一样,在我眼前闪过。我们班的程老师就是其中的一个。他幽默,他自信,他开朗,他豁达。他的 额头宽阔光洁,据说,这是智慧的象征。

  In my growth path, there are many good teachers who accompany me to grow up. So many good teachers care about the students and educate the students. Like a movie, it flashed before my eyes. Mr. Cheng in our class is one of them. He is humorous, confident, cheerful and open-minded. His forehead is broad and smooth, which is said to be a symbol of wisdom.

  程老师教学生动,感情丰富。他上的课,时间过得总是很快。程老师讲课非常详细,不论是分析课文,还是讲解词语,程老师都旁征博引,讲得生动有趣,我们听得津津有味。随着老师脸上表情的变化 ,同学们时而凝神沉思,时而神采飞扬,时而频频点头,时而低头微笑……程老师批改作业也非常认真,一个标点符号也不放过。

  Teacher Cheng teaches students to be dynamic and emotional. Time flies fast in his classes. Mr. Cheng's lecture is very detailed. Whether it's analyzing the text or explaining the words, Mr. Cheng has a wide range of quotations, which are vivid and interesting. We listened with great interest. With the change of the expression on the teacher's face, the students sometimes meditate, sometimes fly, sometimes nod, sometimes smile Mr. Cheng is also very serious in correcting his homework. He doesn't let go of any punctuation marks.


  Since becoming our head teacher, Mr. Cheng has divided his love into 50 parts on average, each of which is unreservedly devoted to us.

  还有一次,藤佳馨不小心将手腕碰骨折。程老师得知后,立马打电话把藤佳馨送回家。   第二天,还特地叮嘱我们不要碰藤佳馨的手腕。

  Another time, Fujia accidentally broke her wrist. When Cheng learned about it, he immediately called to send Teng Jiaxin home. The next day, I specially told us not to touch FUJIA's wrist.


  Ah! Dear Mr. Cheng, your sweat will not flow in vain, and your hard work will not be wasted. We will work hard to repay you with our excellent achievements!