My classmate's name is Wang Han. Her hair is long, fluffy, her eyebrows are long, her eyes are bright, her nose is high, her mouth is small, her face is round and lovely.
她喜欢画画,她从幼儿园就开始学习画画了,她画的那幅“人民公园的写生画” 线条非常清晰,流畅,还登上了我们班的“妙笔生花” 栏目。我真羡慕她。
She likes to draw. She has been learning to draw since kindergarten. The line of "sketch in people's Park" she drew is very clear and smooth, and it has also been listed in the column of "wonderful brush and fresh flowers" in our class. I envy her.
王涵不仅画画得好,而且还是一个不折不扣的“书呆子”。 只要一有空,她就会捧着一本书如痴如醉地细细品读起来,就连吃饭的时间她也会津津有味地看书。如果哪天没有了看书的时间,她还会因此而大发脾气。记得有一次我叫王涵跟我一起玩“捉谜藏”的游戏,她想看书,我有点儿生气了,她只好说“好吧,你去藏着,我来找你啦!”我一溜烟地跑去藏好了, 左等右等我着急得跑出来一看, 好哇! 这个书呆子又坐在地上看书了, 她居然把捉谜藏的游戏忘得一干二净了! 真是一个叫人又好气又好笑的书呆子啊!
Wang Han is not only a good painter, but also a real nerd. As long as she has time, she will hold a book and read it in detail, even when she has dinner. If there is no time to read, she will lose her temper. I remember once I asked Wang Han to play the game of "catch riddles and hide" with me. She wanted to read a book. I was a little angry. She had to say, "OK, you go to hide, I'll come to you!" I ran to hide it, left and right. I was so anxious that I ran out to have a look. WOW! The bookworm sat on the ground and read again. She forgot all about the game of catching riddles! What a bookworm!
这就是我的同学王涵, 一个让人喜欢的可爱的书呆子啊!
This is my classmate Wang Han, a likable nerd!