There are so many good teachers in Yashu. Today I'll talk about one of them! He is - Mathematics Teacher Li Xueliang.
李老师尽职尽责,每到期末考试的前几周,李老师总会吧班上学习不稳固的同学留下来辅导,一辅导就是一个小时。不过李老师也没费心思,起么考试大家都取得了优异的成绩。中午吃完饭,只要是 李老师带班,总会给我们讲一些历城二中,外国语,山大附中这三所好初中考试题里可能出现的题。虽说这些题有点难,但我还是很喜欢做的。
Mr. Li is conscientious. Every few weeks before the final exam, Mr. Li always leaves the unstable students in the class to tutor for an hour. But Mr. Li didn't bother, so we all got excellent results in the exam. After lunch, as long as Mr. Li leads the class, he will always tell us some questions that may appear in the examination questions of the three good junior high schools of Licheng No.2 Middle School, foreign languages and affiliated high school of Shandong University. Although these questions are a little difficult, I still like to do them.
李老师风趣幽默,总能逗得我们哈哈大笑,前仰后合。有一次自习课上,他对我们说:“你们当中要是有一个能获得诺贝尔奖,我晚上出门脸上都发光。你这获奖的老师还是我李学梁呢!”听完这句 话,我笑的眼泪都流出来了。还有一次,我们去李老师办公室交作业,正好看到桌子上有一个面包,于是我们就吃了。第二天我们去主动承认错误,他说:“哦……原来是你们这几个小鬼吃的呀!”说 完,又把当天的面包给了我们。
Mr. Li is funny and humorous. He always makes us laugh and keep our backs up. Once in a self-study class, he said to us, "if one of you can win the Nobel Prize, I will go out at night and my face will glow.". Your award-winning teacher is Li Xueliang! " After listening to this sentence, tears came out of my smile. Another time, when we went to Miss Li's office to hand in our homework, we saw a loaf of bread on the table, so we ate it. The next day we went to admit our mistakes, and he said, "Oh It turns out that you little kids ate it! " Then he gave us the bread of the day.
Do you think Miss Li is a good teacher? Both conscientious and humorous!