To mention the good teachers around me, it's up to our current head teacher, Mr. Li.
Miss Li is very serious and good in class. When it's time to finish class, she also lets us go out for activities. She also lets us go to junior college classes. There are few homework after school, so all of our classmates like her.
李老师也不愿意体罚学生,她认为五十遍、一百遍地让同学写是没有用的,那样同学们会更厌烦学习,以后就学不进去了,那样麻烦可就大了。于是她每次给同学自由选择的机会,写几遍都可以, 当然也可以不写,这样,提高了同学们的上进心、自觉性,几乎每次听写的错词,同学们都写很多遍,现在听写,最差的几乎也不低于80分,老师见了,特别高兴。
Mr. Li is not willing to punish the students. She thinks it is useless to let the students write 50 times and 100 times. In this way, the students will be more tired of learning. Later, they will not go in, so the trouble will be big. So every time she gave her classmates the chance to choose freely, she could write it several times, of course, she could not write it. In this way, it improved their self-motivated and self-consciousness. Almost every time they dictated the wrong words, they wrote them many times. Now, the worst dictation is almost no less than 80 points. The teacher was very happy to see her.
我们李老师也特别和蔼可亲。有一次,是愚人节,我们趁老师没来的时候,在老师的桌椅上摆满了胶皮做的仿真蜘蛛、毛毛虫,老师来了,看都没看,就坐在椅子上,同学们哈哈大笑,老师站起来 一看,看到了那些“小虫子”,并没有生气,因为她知道今天是愚人节,并和我们一起笑了起来。
Our teacher Li is also very kind. Once, it was April Fool's day. When the teacher didn't come, we filled the teacher's desks and chairs with imitation spiders and caterpillars made of rubber. When the teacher came, he didn't look at them, so he sat on the chair. The students laughed. The teacher stood up and saw the "little bugs". She was not angry because she knew it was April Fool's day and laughed with us.
This is our kind teacher Li.