Last week, my mother ordered a set of electronic perm from taobao.com. A few days later, when the electronic perm came to its home, my mother began to be busy——
妈妈打开装电子烫发器的盒子,拿出说明书,认真地看起来,然后似懂非懂的点点头,然后,拿起海绵型卷发器,接着挑出一撮头发,在海绵型卷发器的内部缠呀缠,卷呀卷,最终卷到头发根处将其固 定,以此类推,一直将六个海绵型卷发器用完。可是还有两撮头发没有卷到,这点困难难不倒妈妈,聪明的妈妈将两个海绵型卷发器取下来,结果,出乎妈妈的预料,肯定是没有卷好,妈妈的目光灰暗 了,显然妈妈失望了,一开始做的时候兴致勃勃、喜出望外,而现在屡战屡败下,心情跌到了谷底,非常失落。我在一旁鼓励,妈妈坚定地说:“我不会灰心的,俗语说得好”吃一堑长一智“放心吧,去 写作业吧!”“嗯。”我回屋写起了作业。
Mother opened the box containing the electronic perm, took out the instructions, looked seriously, nodded knowingly, then picked up the sponge curler, then picked out a handful of hair, wrapped it inside the sponge curler, rolled it, and finally rolled it to the root of the hair to fix it, and so on, and used up six sponge curlers all the time. However, there are still two groups of hair that have not been curled, which is difficult for mom. The Smart Mom took down the two sponge curlers. As a result, it was beyond her expectation. It must have not been curled up. Mom's eyes were dimmed. Obviously, mom was disappointed. At the beginning, she was very happy and overjoyed. Now she has been defeated repeatedly and fell to the bottom of the valley, very disappointed. I encouraged her, and her mother firmly said, "I will not lose heart. As the saying goes," take a fall and learn a lesson. "Don't worry, go and do your homework!" "Um." I went back to the house and did my homework.
I really hope that no matter what difficulties my mother encounters, she will face them bravely.