
时间:2022-12-22 12:23:54 英语作文300字 浏览:0


  Mr. Zhou is the first teacher in kindergarten. It's also my first teacher.


  At that time, I was very small, like a piece of white paper, you are like a brush, adding color to me. You are like a gardener and I am like a grass. You fertilize and water me to make me grow. You are like a mother to nurture me, make me confident, strong, brave.


  I remember that was when I was in a small class. Once, I went back to my hometown to play. The villagers all asked me, "what do you write when you go to school in the city?" I said, 'I won't, I haven't learned yet.' People laugh that I can't write. I'm so sad. I think I'll learn to write, too.

  回到学校,我把发生的事和想法一五一十的告诉了周老师。听完我的诉说 ,周老师摸着我的头说;‘别难过,你的想法非常正确,可是,我告诉你学写字还早呢,你啊!放心吧,到了该学写字的时候,老师一定会好好教你们 。别人说什么 你别在意,再说了,过早的学写字对孩子手的发育是不好的。听完老师的安慰和道理,我的心情好多了。

  Back at school, I told teacher Zhou exactly what happened and what I thought. After listening to my story, Mr. Zhou touched my head and said, "don't be sad, your idea is very correct, but I told you it's still early to learn to write, you! Don't worry. When it's time to learn to write, the teacher will teach you well. Don't care what others say. Besides, learning to write early is not good for children's hand development. After listening to the teacher's comfort and truth, I feel much better.


  Under the care and education of teacher Zhou, I am growing up happily!


  Until now, I still often think of her, my first teacher --- teacher Zhou.