秋天来了,天那么高,那么蓝。天上飘着几朵白云,有的像飞奔的骏马;有的像绵绵羊群;有的像洁白的花絮。大眼一会排成“人字形”,一会排成“一字形”,它嘎嘎的叫着,像是在说:“天 气凉了,我们要去温暖的南方过冬,再见,小朋友们!
Autumn is coming. It's so high and blue. There are some white clouds floating in the sky, some of them are like galloping horses, some of them are like sheep, some of them are like white catkins. Big eyes line up in a "herringbone" and a "zigzag". It quacks, as if to say: "it's cold, we're going to the warm south for winter. Goodbye, children!
田野里,稻海翻起金色的波浪 。高粱举起燃烧的火 把 ,准备迎接下一次运动会。大豆摇起金色的铃铛。花生躲在地下好像在和我们玩捉迷藏呢……
In the fields, the sea of rice turns golden waves. The sorghum raised the burning torch to prepare for the next sports meeting. The soybean rings its golden bell. Peanut hiding in the ground seems to be playing hide and seek with us
In the forest, the leaves of Ginkgo and poplar are golden and yellow, and they float down like butterflies. Pines and cypresses are not afraid of the cold. Like soldiers, they fight against the learning style in winter.
In the orchard, the apples on the apple tree fell. It has an attractive smell. Pomegranate grinned, revealing the crystal clear fruit. At night, the stars are crystal clear and beautiful!
I love beautiful autumn, I love charming autumn, I love sweet autumn. In short, I love autumn.