
时间:2022-12-22 12:25:00 英语作文350字 浏览:0

  秋天不知不觉地来了,它是一个美丽的季节。树上的叶子渐渐地变黄了,飘飘悠悠地从树上落向大地的怀抱,好像一只只美丽的蝴蝶在空中翩翩起舞,又好像可爱的小精灵在跟人们打招呼。枫树的叶子 红了,像一团团燃烧的火焰,真是”霜叶红于二月花“呀!花园里的菊花盛开了,红的、黄的、白的、紫的、粉的……五颜六色,美丽极了!

  Autumn comes unconsciously. It is a beautiful season. The leaves on the tree gradually turn yellow, falling from the tree to the earth, like a beautiful butterfly dancing in the air, and like a lovely elf greeting people. Maple leaves are red, like a burning flame, it's really "frost leaves are red in February"! The chrysanthemums in the garden are in full bloom, red, yellow, white, purple, pink Colorful, beautiful!

  秋天又是一个丰收的季节。你看,果园里,红通通的苹果、黄澄澄的梨成熟了,好像一个个害羞的小女孩躲在叶子下面说悄悄话呢!菜园里,茄子身穿紫袍子,扭着腰儿,在向我们问好;绿绿的大冬瓜 ,好像一个个可爱的胖娃娃。田野里,农民伯伯在收玉米,玉米装满一车车,载着丰收的欢声笑语运回家。

  Autumn is another harvest season. You see, in the orchard, the red apples and the yellow pears are ripe, like shy little girls hiding under the leaves and whispering! In the garden, eggplant is dressed in purple robe, wriggling around and greeting us. Big green winter melons are like lovely fat dolls. In the field, the farmer is harvesting corn. The corn is loaded with a cart, carrying the harvest laughter home.


  How charming autumn is! I like autumn!