秋天到了,天气渐渐凉了。秋姑娘来到果园里。高大的石榴树上,挂满一个个又大又圆的石榴。有的看上去红红的,有的还是绿绿的。有的已经成熟了,皮上裂开了一条缝,里面的果肉晶莹透亮。 让人忍不住要咬一口。葡萄架上,挂满了亮晶晶的葡萄,有的还是绿色,有的紫里透红。这一串串葡萄你挨着我,我挨着你,看上去沉甸甸的。橘子树也挂满了大大小小的绿橘子,看得我牙齿酸酸的!
It's autumn. It's getting cold. Autumn girl came to the orchard. The tall pomegranate tree is covered with big and round pomegranates. Some look red, some green. Some of them are mature, with a crack in the skin, and the flesh inside is crystal clear. I can't help but take a bite. On the grape shelf, there are bright grapes, some of them are green, some of them are purple. You are next to me and I am next to you. It looks heavy. Orange tree is also full of big and small green oranges, which makes my teeth sour!
Autumn girl came to the park. The chrysanthemums there are beautiful. There are red, yellow, purple Some of the blooming chrysanthemums are like fireworks, some are like hydrangeas It's dazzling!
Autumn is such a charming season!